Monday, February 21, 2005

OK a couple of things in the papers were just too much today and surprise surprise they both have to do with Ahmed Baqer...Firstly he and his son apparently stopped a group of 12 Shia youths in Qadsiya, on their way to a 7sainiya on 3ashura...His son took pictures of the boys and they forced the woman who accompanied them as a guardian in her car to go down to the police station and sign a forced 'pledge of good conduct'...Apparently it is against the law in Baqer's head to go as a group to your 7sainiya on a holy day...

Then in Al-Seyassa he says that the we don't have a large number of terrorists in Kuwait (or even extremists), in fact the amount of people arrested for Homosexuality in Kuwait is bigger than those arrested for terrorism
وأشار »مازحاً« الى أن عدد الذين قبض عليهم كما نشر قبل أيام من »الجنس الثالث« هم أكثر عدداً من المتهمين بقضايا الارهاب والخلايا المتطرفة
Ok firstly, what the hell does one group of people have to do with the other?...I'm sure there must be more people arrested for signing false checks ...but they have as little to do with the terrorist issue as people with a different sexual preference than Baqer approves of...secondly the fact that our security forces are violating people's human rights by arresting people for being gay (not for hurting, killing,or burning people, or for corruption) does not somehow make it ok that there are less terrorists than gay people in jail...maybe if they were going after people who are planting hatred and prejudice and narrow mindedness in our community they would be better at stopping terrorists than if they were wasting their time arresting people for being different than the heterocentrist patriarchal hate-filled buffoons we have as religious/legal authorities...


Shemsi said...

What an idiot. His logic is amazingly defective.

illusion said...

If half of Kuwait's government officials did their jobs as they were spouse to instead of monkeying around, we would all be in a better places.